What a Straight Woman Learned from Having Sex with Gay Men

Dr T J Jordan
7 min readMay 12, 2021

And what straight men don’t know about women is a lot…

(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

By Dr T J Jordan

The First Time

I didn’t know for sure if he was gay. But with great looking guys in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, gay is a good bet. I would say that the odds are better than 50/50.

He wasn’t my usual type — which tended to be tall with dark hair and grey-green eyes. Thomas was exactly my height, which is 5’8” as well as blonde and sparkly blue eyed.

We both were in our very early 20’s. I was wickedly busy, running a research institute and teaching at the university as well. Thomas had enrolled in one of my undergrad psych courses, and that was the beginning.

He followed me everywhere, offering to work as my assistant for free, and such nonsense as that.

After being ‘cruised’ by him for nearly nine months, I had been asked to give a guest lecture for a professional audience. Thomas turned up, slipping unnoticed into the standing room only area of the dimly lit back of the auditorium.

When I was finished, I was trapped. And I had been dodging him for so long already. He begged me to come with him for a drink so he could ask me for…



Dr T J Jordan

Passionate about sexualities, masculinities, relationships, intimacy, mental health, CPTSD , animals, growth, psychology, and exotic locations.