Four Ways to Avoid Toxic Love

Dr T J Jordan
6 min readJun 6, 2021

Intimate loving relationships are far more joy than pain and work!

(Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

By Dr T J Jordan

We try to look forward with hope.

We think and write often about the benefits of love and sex and how to improve our relationships. For example, take a look at the number of these kinds of articles on Medium.

We ask what more can we give to or do for our partner? How can we add to their joy? How can we move past the untrustworthiness of our partner’s affairs? How can we give them what they have not experienced before? How can we provide them greater physical pleasure? What can we do for them when they need us?

If you’re reading this article, you are likely to identify with the “we” because you are one of the many of us, male, female, non-binary, LGBTQ, etc., who try until we find ourselves in some ways broken by our fruitless, failed attempts to provide happiness to our partners through intimate love.

One of the best things I learned while training with the late Albert Ellis is that loving relationships are NOT PAINFUL WORK. IF WE FIND THAT WE ARE WORKING HARD INSTEAD OF ENJOYING MUCH, WE HAVE MADE A MISTAKEN MATCH!

Learning that lesson after being taught by others that relationships are a lot of hard work gave me wings of freedom! I spread those wings and…



Dr T J Jordan

Passionate about sexualities, masculinities, relationships, intimacy, mental health, CPTSD , animals, growth, psychology, and exotic locations.