Body Image Problems in Men

Dr T J Jordan
5 min readFeb 27, 2022

From adolescence through aging, males suffer from body dissatisfaction and fear the inadequacy of their physical selves.

(Photo by Damir Spanik on Unsplash)

By Dr T J Jordan

Contemporary cultures have long advocated a male image that is hyper-masculine and unattainable by the vast majority of boys and men.

In order to attain the kinds of muscled and “ripped” bodies that society touts as attractive, men frequently turn to destructive behaviors. They exercise excessively, invest in unnecessary supplements and treatments, follow eccentric eating regimens, and suppress their feelings of vulnerability and inadequacy.

These body image concerns appear to extend across sexual orientations and beyond cisgender males. Trans males seem to experience particular difficulty with achieving the traditional male ideals.

We have begun to recognize that body image concerns overwhelm contemporary males. Dissatisfaction with their bodies can be particularly toxic for men who have been taught not to speak about their problems but rather to “fix” themselves without showing vulnerability.

Men are taught to equate “masculine” body types with sexual desirability. They worry in silence about being unacceptable to potential lovers. Since men desire loving relationships in



Dr T J Jordan

Passionate about sexualities, masculinities, relationships, intimacy, mental health, CPTSD , animals, growth, psychology, and exotic locations.